Tuesday, July 13, 2010


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Does it really do? What if, in the middle of all the missing and longing, the feeling just melted away?

I'm just being nostalgic over a friend who has been with me in our own transitory periods. I can't help but feel neglected after spending at least a half and a quarter of my vacation with her before entering the world where I am in right now. It was a-little-more-than-friends-but-less-than-lovers type of a relationship. A very special friendship, indeed. What happened, then? I don't know, honestly. Our communication just stopped. I tried reviving it, though, but to no avail. Maybe, we're just both busy making progress in our lives. But, is one day of chatting over a cup of coffee too much to ask?

Hasty things last shorter than we expect it to. We were super friends in a blink. And in a snap, we're I don't know. Is hanging on the right thing to do? Should I wait a little longer?

I'm losing the reason to hold on. Yes, I have friends who I barely see now, but still, I feel inside me that they are here with me in spirit. There is like an invisible thread keeping us tied to each other. But this one? It's like that critical line has been fully cut.

I am in the middle of nowhere for quite some time now. It's like I'm longing for nothing, missing for no one. In that notion, should I keep myself in limbo and hope? Or is it pragmatic to just give up the thought of revival and move forward?

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