Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just Like a Coin

An investment has been banked yesterday. A venture on which each of us gave our share. Another experience has been deposited in an account where no one can ever get a cash-out.

Friday. Classes ended before 3pm. Ate late lunch at a fast food chain nearby. Went back to UST and waited for the sun to set. Sat in a bench behind the main building, conversations started, talking about anything we have thought and seen. We, then, transferred to a much more comfortable place (behind the fountain) with real chairs and a table. The sun has finally set. An indication of finally calling it a day. But, I was wrong. The splashing sound of the fountain, the cool wind caressing our warm bodies and the wide variations of street food seem to glue our asses on our seats. From making an eruption of laughter because of very cheesy and hilarious jokes and stories up to the most painful and sad story we have shared, this is, indeed, a night of extremes. Having heard polarized stories in the same night, the friendship we have built of just over a year has reached the next level.
In a circle of friends, it is not always happy. It is not always about the ecstatic happenings in our lives. Just like a coin with two sides, life with friends also include the problems, pressures, depressions we can't help but encounter. Oftenly, it is when one is in his most depressed state will he know who his real friends are. Last night bonding with friends made me realize that they are really the ones to keep. Life is unpredictable. It has its own twists. After enjoying the upside with the heads in tossing the coin, now it's time to chase the tails.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Seeking advise from someone who has not yet been involved in an intimate relationship? A friend of mine just did it... to ME.
We've been friends for three years now, I guess, and it is not the first time she sought love advise from me. Being the inexperienced in this field, it is really kinda bizarre comforting and encouraging someone based on plainly NOTHING. But, what the heck? It is worth the try.
And so they broke up. She left my friend (who happens to be a GIRL, also). She left her the time when she had found another one. She left her when my friend was finally ready to equate her love with the affection she has given her.
When my friend and I had the chance to talk, she is ready to move on. Leaving the past behind, she wants to enjoy being single and pamper herself until the right one comes along. But, moving on is kinda rough on her as her ex-girlfriend still doesn't want to lose communication. How worse can it get? Being left all alone and still living with the shadow of someone you have loved. Escaping is not an option, it is a weakness. The more you escape the ghost, the more it will haunt you.
Let all the pain hit you until it doesn't hurt anymore. Cry. Drain all the emotions you're feeling towards the one who destroyed you until you don' feel anything for them anymore. Witness your world as it crashes down in front of you but, DON'T EVER GIVE UP. Learn from mistakes and treasure experiences. Do not let solitude overwhelm you. Until you got over with your past can you begin your present and subsequently, your future. You may have lose her, but you've gained more. Sometimes, losing someone is the way so you can welcome someone better in.
These are thoughts I have said to her and I will say over and over if I had to. Harsh some of it may be, but if that would help her move on, then so be it.